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Found 56887 observations.
Species Name Date Observer Type Region
Acanthodactylus schreiberi syriacus May 30th, 2022 None
Nahal Alexander
SAND SKINK May 30th, 2022 None
Nahal Alexander
Acanthodactylus schreiberi syriacus May 30th, 2022 None
Nahal Alexander
SAND SKINK May 30th, 2022 None
Nahal Alexander
SAND SKINK May 30th, 2022 None
Nahal Alexander
Psammophis schokari May 30th, 2022 None
Nahal Alexander
Testudo graeca May 29th, 2022 רמי יוספי
Nahal Qana
Vipera palaestinae May 29th, 2022 None
Nahal Alexander
Lacerta laevis laevis May 29th, 2022
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 29th, 2022 None
Bufo viridis May 29th, 2022 None
Laudakia stellio May 29th, 2022 עומר טלקר
Mesalina guttulata guttulata May 29th, 2022
Testudo graeca May 29th, 2022
Testudo graeca May 29th, 2022 איימן גוטאני
Lacerta laevis laevis May 29th, 2022
Mauremys caspica rivulata May 29th, 2022 עומר טלקר
Lacerta laevis laevis May 29th, 2022
Testudo graeca May 29th, 2022 רז נחתומי
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
observation has images 1
Testudo graeca May 28th, 2022 ג'ורג'י נורקין
observation has images 3
Testudo graeca May 28th, 2022 ג'ורג'י נורקין
Natrix tessellata tessellata May 28th, 2022 ג'ורג'י נורקין
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 28th, 2022 ליעד כהן
Dolichophis jugularis May 28th, 2022 יונתן סבלסקי
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
observation has images 1
Coluber rubriceps May 28th, 2022 גיל בן-עזרא
Ornate mastigure May 28th, 2022 אסף הברי
Ornate mastigure May 28th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure May 28th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure May 28th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Hemorrhois nummifer May 28th, 2022 עומר טלקר
Agama sinaita May 28th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Ophisaurus apodus May 28th, 2022 None
Nebi Samuel
observation has images 1
Ophisaurus apodus May 28th, 2022 נדב בן יאיר
Bet Guvrin
Hemorrhois nummifer May 28th, 2022 אור מילשטיין
observation has images 2
Salamandra infraimmaculata May 28th, 2022 רמדאן עיסא
Tel Dan
Echis coloratus May 27th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Echis coloratus May 27th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Cerastes gasperetti May 27th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Cerastes gasperetti May 27th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Eryx jaculus May 27th, 2022 None
Stenodactylus petrii May 27th, 2022 אסף מזרחי
SAND SKINK May 27th, 2022 אסף מזרחי
Stenodactylus doriae May 27th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Saharan Sand Skink May 27th, 2022 אסף מזרחי
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Laudakia stellio May 27th, 2022 None
Laudakia stellio May 27th, 2022 None
Laudakia stellio May 27th, 2022 None
Laudakia stellio May 27th, 2022 None
Acanthodactylus scutellatus May 27th, 2022 סיון מרדוק
Holot Palmahim
Dabb Lizard May 27th, 2022 אסף הברי
Ervat Evrona
Mauremys caspica rivulata May 27th, 2022 אלחנדרו אפלבאום
Ornate mastigure May 27th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure May 27th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure May 27th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Ornate mastigure May 27th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
observation has images 1
Echis coloratus May 27th, 2022 ג'מיל אל אטרש
Mizla'ot Hamakhtesh Hagadol
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 27th, 2022 None
Berekhat Qash
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 27th, 2022 None
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 27th, 2022 None
Triturus vittatus vittatus May 27th, 2022 None
Berekhat Qash
Triturus vittatus vittatus May 27th, 2022 None
Eumeces schneideri May 27th, 2022 טליה אורון
Salamandra infraimmaculata May 27th, 2022 לילא אבראהים
Testudo graeca May 27th, 2022 נדב בן יאיר
Tel Lakhis Ve'Tel Marsha
Mauremys caspica rivulata May 27th, 2022
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 26th, 2022 גיל בן-עזרא
observation has images 1
Mauremys caspica rivulata May 26th, 2022 None
Laudakia stellio May 26th, 2022 נדב גנות
Laudakia stellio May 26th, 2022 נדב גנות
Laudakia stellio May 26th, 2022 נדב גנות
Dolichophis jugularis May 26th, 2022 אמנון פאעור
Laudakia stellio May 26th, 2022 ליעד כהן
Horesh Adullam
Trionyx triunguis May 26th, 2022 רועי פדרמן
En Afeq
Hemorrhois nummifer May 26th, 2022 אביעד בר
Laudakia stellio May 26th, 2022 נדב גנות
Coluber rubriceps May 26th, 2022 אביעד בר
Ophisaurus apodus May 26th, 2022 אביעד בר
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 26th, 2022 לירז כברה
Eirenis coronella May 26th, 2022
Atiqot Susiah
Dabb Lizard May 26th, 2022 אורן פריטל
Ptyodactylus guttatus May 26th, 2022 None
Dabb Lizard May 26th, 2022 אורן פריטל
Testudo graeca May 26th, 2022 בן ענבר
Agama sinaita May 26th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Massiv Elat
Ptyodactylus guttatus May 26th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Massiv Elat
observation has images 1
Echis coloratus May 26th, 2022 אורן פריטל
observation has images 1
Hemorrhois nummifer May 25th, 2022 יונתן סבלסקי
Ophisaurus apodus May 25th, 2022 יונתן הראל
Dolichophis jugularis May 25th, 2022 None
Dabb Lizard May 25th, 2022 אורן פריטל
Ophisaurus apodus May 25th, 2022 None
Nahal Yiftah'el (harhava)
Dabb Lizard May 25th, 2022 אורן פריטל
Makhteshim En Yahav
Dabb Lizard May 25th, 2022 אורן פריטל
Chalcides guentheri May 25th, 2022 None
Nahal Shillo
Bufo viridis May 25th, 2022 None
Nahal Shillo
Coluber rhodorachis May 25th, 2022 אביעד בר
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 25th, 2022 רוני שושן
Triturus vittatus vittatus May 25th, 2022 רוני שושן
Testudo graeca May 25th, 2022 None
Nahal Shillo
Laudakia stellio May 25th, 2022 יואב ארי