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Found 56822 observations.
Species Name Date Observer Type Region
Agama pallida pallida June 23rd, 2024 None
Lacerta laevis laevis June 23rd, 2024 None
Har Shekhanya
Laudakia stellio June 23rd, 2024 עמית מנדלסון
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 23rd, 2024
Testudo graeca June 23rd, 2024 ברוך תמם
Chalcides ocellatus June 23rd, 2024 עמית מנדלסון
Rana ridibunda ridibunda June 23rd, 2024 עמית מנדלסון
Acanthodactylus scutellatus June 23rd, 2024 אסף מרדכי
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
observation has images 1
Echis coloratus June 22nd, 2024 ערן גיסיס
observation has images 1
Ophisaurus apodus June 22nd, 2024 סיון מרדוק
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus June 22nd, 2024 None
Har Ha-Negev (harhava 3)
Trionyx triunguis June 21st, 2024 יורם מלכה
observation has images 1
Testudo kleinmanni June 21st, 2024 אביעד בר
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Coluber rhodorachis June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Psammophis schokari June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Echis coloratus June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Chalcides ocellatus June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Walterinnesia aegyptia June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 בעז שחם
Laudakia stellio June 20th, 2024 Dotan Rotem
Harutot A-Sela
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 20th, 2024 Dotan Rotem
Harutot A-Sela
Grey Monitor June 20th, 2024 דורון ניסים
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus June 19th, 2024 ערן גיסיס
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus June 19th, 2024 None
Dolichophis jugularis June 19th, 2024 אסף מרדכי
Dabb Lizard June 19th, 2024 משש דיין
Mazuq Ha-Zinnim
Laudakia stellio June 19th, 2024 סיון מרדוק
Nahal Soreq
Bufo viridis June 19th, 2024 אסף מזרחי
Ophisaurus apodus June 18th, 2024 סיון מרדוק
Rana ridibunda ridibunda June 17th, 2024 עידו שקד
observation has images 2
Bufo viridis June 17th, 2024 עידו שקד
observation has images 1
Lacerta laevis laevis June 17th, 2024 סיון מרדוק
Har Giyyora
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 17th, 2024 סיון מרדוק
Har Giyyora
Echis coloratus June 17th, 2024 גיל עברון
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Vipera palaestinae June 17th, 2024 יניב לוי
Eumeces schneideri June 16th, 2024 לביא הרטוב
Ein Lavan\Ein Hinia
Agama sinaita June 16th, 2024
Mazuq Ha-He'teqim
Trionyx triunguis June 16th, 2024 יורם מלכה
Dolichophis jugularis June 16th, 2024 טליה אורון
observation has images 3
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 16th, 2024 איליה בסקין
Hof Nahal Taninim
Lytorhynchus diadema June 15th, 2024 יורם פרומקין
Cerastes cerastes cerastes June 15th, 2024 יורם פרומקין
Stenodactylus petrii June 15th, 2024 יורם פרומקין
Stenodactylus petrii June 15th, 2024 יורם פרומקין
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 15th, 2024 סיון מרדוק
Sansan (harhava)
Dabb Lizard June 15th, 2024 זהבה סיגל
Har Ha-Negev (harhava 3)
observation has images 4
Testudo graeca June 15th, 2024 ליעד כהן
Ophisaurus apodus June 15th, 2024 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Vipera palaestinae June 15th, 2024 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Eumeces schneideri June 15th, 2024 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Bunopus blanfordii June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Cerastes gasperetti June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Cerastes gasperetti June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Cyrtodactylus scaber June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus doriae June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
SAND SKINK June 14th, 2024 בעז שחם
Chamaeleo chamaeleon June 14th, 2024 ברוך תמם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Lacerta laevis laevis June 14th, 2024 עומר טלקר
Testudo kleinmanni June 13th, 2024 אביעד בר
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Dolichophis jugularis June 13th, 2024 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Dolichophis jugularis June 13th, 2024 אביעד בר
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 13th, 2024 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 13th, 2024 בעז שחם
Ophisaurus apodus June 13th, 2024 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Mabuya vittata June 13th, 2024 בעז שחם
Tel Qeriyyot
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 13th, 2024 בעז שחם
Tel Qeriyyot
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 13th, 2024 בעז שחם
Tel Qeriyyot
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 13th, 2024 בעז שחם
Tel Qeriyyot
observation has images 1
Ablepharus kitaibelii kitaibelii June 11th, 2024 None
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) June 11th, 2024 Tal Levanony