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Found 56907 observations.
Species Name Date Observer Type Region
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Testudo graeca June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Testudo graeca June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Mabuya vittata June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ptyodactylus puiseuxi June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ablepharus kitaibelii kitaibelii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 9th, 2021 אמיר פרלברג
Hof Nahal Daliyya
Salamandra infraimmaculata June 9th, 2021 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Mabuya vittata June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
observation has images 1
Chalcides guentheri June 9th, 2021 לביא הרטוב
Ein Lavan\Ein Hinia
Dolichophis jugularis June 9th, 2021 לביא הרטוב
Ein Lavan\Ein Hinia
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Echis coloratus June 9th, 2021 יבגני קמינסקי
Dabb Lizard June 9th, 2021 יובל שגיא
observation has images 1
Vipera palaestinae June 9th, 2021 אמיר פרלברג
Laudakia stellio June 9th, 2021 בעז שחם
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 9th, 2021 אופיר בריקנשטיין
Malpolon insignitus June 8th, 2021 יונתן סבלסקי
Lacerta trilineata israelica June 8th, 2021 נעם רווח
Testudo graeca June 8th, 2021 טליה אורון
Har Meron
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 8th, 2021 מוחי עיד
Malpolon insignitus June 8th, 2021 ברק ברכיאל
Allonim (Haifa)
Laudakia stellio June 8th, 2021 גבע דובר
Laudakia stellio June 8th, 2021 גבע דובר
Mabuya vittata June 8th, 2021 None
Hare Yehuda
observation has images 1
Bufo viridis June 8th, 2021 צליל לבין
Laudakia stellio June 7th, 2021 Dotan Rotem
Mazoleum Mazor
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard June 7th, 2021 אריה לב רוזנברג
Dolichophis jugularis June 7th, 2021 אחר
Dabb Lizard June 7th, 2021 חנן לבבי
Dabb Lizard June 7th, 2021 חנן לבבי
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) June 7th, 2021 איתי לחמי
Lacerta trilineata israelica June 6th, 2021 אייל דרור
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard June 6th, 2021 תומר מזרחי
Mazuq Ha-Zinnim (harhava 2)
Dabb Lizard June 6th, 2021 תומר מזרחי
Mazuq Ha-Zinnim (harhava 2)
Laudakia stellio June 6th, 2021 ליעד כהן
Gevaot Gad
Dabb Lizard June 6th, 2021 עודד סהר
Grey Monitor June 6th, 2021 גבע דובר
Holot Mash'abbim
Echis coloratus June 6th, 2021 מתן בוגומולסקי
En Gedi
observation has images 1
Testudo graeca June 6th, 2021 None
Hof Hasharon
Testudo graeca June 6th, 2021 אוהד הצופה
Laudakia stellio June 6th, 2021 סיון מרדוק
Coluber rogersi June 5th, 2021 יצחק גואל
Enot Zuqim
observation has images 1
Rana ridibunda ridibunda June 5th, 2021 יצחק גואל
Enot Zuqim
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 5th, 2021 יניב לוי
Trionyx triunguis June 5th, 2021 יניב לוי
Testudo graeca June 5th, 2021 איימן גוטאני
Nahal Sa'ar
Dabb Lizard June 5th, 2021 דורון ניסים
Nehalim Gedolim
Salamandra infraimmaculata June 5th, 2021 אבישי בראון
Har Ha-Karmel
observation has images 1
Echis coloratus June 4th, 2021 אברהם לינקולן
Saharan Sand Skink June 4th, 2021 Gal Vine
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
observation has images 1
Saharan Sand Skink June 4th, 2021 Gal Vine
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Vipera palaestinae June 4th, 2021
Dolichophis jugularis June 4th, 2021 בעז שחם
Saharan Sand Skink June 4th, 2021 אביעד בר
Acanthodactylus aegiptius June 4th, 2021 אביעד בר
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Coluber rubriceps June 4th, 2021 בעז שחם
observation has images 1
Salamandra infraimmaculata June 4th, 2021
Nahal Keziv
Grey Monitor June 4th, 2021 אביעד בר
observation has images 1
Grey Monitor June 4th, 2021 אביעד בר
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
observation has images 1
Vipera bornmuelleri June 4th, 2021 טליה אורון
Mabuya vittata June 4th, 2021 טליה אורון
Laudakia stellio June 4th, 2021 Gal Vine
Ablepharus kitaibelii kitaibelii June 4th, 2021 בעז שחם
Har HaCarmel Nesher (harhava)
Hemorrhois nummifer June 4th, 2021 None
Allonim (Haifa)
Lacerta trilineata israelica June 4th, 2021 איימן גוטאני
Dolichophis jugularis June 3rd, 2021 בוריס קריפק
Letheobia simoni June 3rd, 2021 אחר
Holot Ha-Mifraz
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 3rd, 2021 סיון מרדוק
Dabb Lizard June 3rd, 2021 אריה לב רוזנברג
Grey Monitor June 3rd, 2021 איתי נוה
Echis coloratus June 3rd, 2021 אורן פריטל
Rana ridibunda ridibunda June 3rd, 2021 אוהד מאס
Lacerta trilineata israelica June 3rd, 2021 טליה אורון
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 3rd, 2021 אוהד מאס
Har Kabbir
Lacerta laevis laevis June 3rd, 2021
Echis coloratus June 2nd, 2021 אורן פריטל
Dabb Lizard June 2nd, 2021 דורון ניסים
Dabb Lizard June 2nd, 2021 דורון ניסים
Testudo graeca June 2nd, 2021 שי קורן
Dolichophis jugularis June 2nd, 2021 איתי לחמי
Testudo graeca June 2nd, 2021 עידן ידין
Letheobia simoni June 2nd, 2021 יעקב קזס
observation has images 1
Testudo graeca June 2nd, 2021 None
Park Hasharon
Testudo graeca June 2nd, 2021 נדב בן יאיר
Bet Guvrin
observation has images 3
Testudo graeca June 1st, 2021 יונתן סבלסקי
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
Trionyx triunguis June 1st, 2021 אופיר בריקנשטיין
Vipera palaestinae June 1st, 2021 נעם מצרי
Park Hasharon
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 1st, 2021 רועי רבין
observation has images 1
Testudo graeca June 1st, 2021 None
Nahal Poleg
observation has images 4
Testudo graeca May 31st, 2021 צליל לבין
observation has images 3
Vipera palaestinae May 31st, 2021 ג'ורג'י נורקין