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Found 56948 observations.
Species Name Date Observer Type Region
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 6th, 2019
Mauremys caspica rivulata May 6th, 2019
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 6th, 2019
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Discoglossus nigriventer May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 6th, 2019
Agalshon Shachor-Gahon
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 6th, 2019
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 6th, 2019
Triturus vittatus vittatus May 6th, 2019 טליה אורון
Berekhat Sasa
Pelobates syriacus syriacus May 6th, 2019 טליה אורון
Berekhat Sasa
Testudo graeca May 6th, 2019 אהוד גבע
Ablepharus kitaibelii kitaibelii May 6th, 2019 אריאל קדם
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard May 6th, 2019 דורון ניסים
Lacerta laevis laevis May 6th, 2019 ליעד כהן
Bet Guvrin
observation has images 1
Testudo graeca May 6th, 2019 אבישי בראון
Har Ha Karmel
observation has images 1
Testudo graeca May 6th, 2019 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Laudakia stellio May 6th, 2019 אייל דרעי
observation has images 2
Lytorhynchus diadema May 5th, 2019 ידידיה שמואל
Har Ha-Negev
Atractaspis engaddensis May 5th, 2019 גונן בהיר
Vipera palaestinae May 5th, 2019 אילן שיפמן
Ptyodactylus puiseuxi May 5th, 2019 ג'ורג'י נורקין
Yehudiya – Berekhat Hameshushim
Eumeces schneideri May 5th, 2019 אבישי בראון
Har Ha-Karmel
Mauremys caspica rivulata May 5th, 2019 רועי פדרמן
Laudakia stellio May 5th, 2019 סיון מרדוק
Mauremys caspica rivulata May 5th, 2019 סיון מרדוק
Nahal Soreq
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard May 5th, 2019 אברהם לינקולן
Midbar Yehuda
observation has images 2
Dabb Lizard May 5th, 2019 אברהם לינקולן
Chalcides guentheri May 5th, 2019 טליה אורון
Har Sasa
Laudakia stellio May 5th, 2019 סיון מרדוק
Hof Palmahim
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 5th, 2019 ליאור כהן
Natrix tessellata tessellata May 5th, 2019 Merav Lebel
Nahal Keziv
Lacerta trilineata israelica May 5th, 2019 טליה אורון
Har Meron
Acanthodactylus scutellatus May 5th, 2019 סיון מרדוק
Laudakia stellio May 5th, 2019 סיון מרדוק
Laudakia stellio May 5th, 2019 סיון מרדוק
Bufo viridis May 5th, 2019 אחיה טובי
Enot Telem
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 5th, 2019 אחיה טובי
Eirenis coronella May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) May 4th, 2019 אילן שיפמן
Bufo viridis May 4th, 2019 אילן שיפמן
Natrix tessellata tessellata May 4th, 2019
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 4th, 2019
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 4th, 2019
Mordot HaGolan
Laudakia stellio May 4th, 2019 עידן ברלב
Ophisaurus apodus May 4th, 2019 בעז שחם
observation has images 1
Micrelaps muelleri May 4th, 2019 בעז שחם
Grey Monitor May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
observation has images 1
Eryx jaculus May 4th, 2019 בעז שחם
observation has images 1
Rhynchocalamus melanocephalus May 4th, 2019 בעז שחם
observation has images 2
Chalcides ocellatus May 4th, 2019 בעז שחם
Mesalina olivieri schmidti May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
observation has images 2
Ornate mastigure May 4th, 2019 עומרי עומסי
Massiv Elat
observation has images 3
Ornate mastigure May 4th, 2019 עומרי עומסי
Dolichophis jugularis May 4th, 2019 בהגת כחיל
Grey Monitor May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Ruheive V'Halutza
Ornate mastigure May 4th, 2019 טל פולק
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Acanthodactylus boskianus May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Ornate mastigure May 4th, 2019 טל פולק
Massiv Elat
Lacerta laevis laevis May 4th, 2019 עומרי בוכניק
Coluber rogersi May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Ruheive V'Halutza
Acanthodactylus beershebensis May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Ruheive V'Halutza
Laudakia stellio May 4th, 2019 איליה בסקין
Hof Gador
Acanthodactylus beershebensis May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Ruheive V'Halutza
Psammophis aegyptius May 4th, 2019 שחר אלתרמן
Massiv Elat
observation has images 1
Dolichophis jugularis May 4th, 2019 יריב פררו
Grey Monitor May 4th, 2019 אביעד בר
Rana ridibunda ridibunda May 4th, 2019 אוריה ואזנה
Mordot HaGolan
Mabuya vittata May 4th, 2019 אריאל קדם
Eryx jaculus May 3rd, 2019 אורן נפתלי
Lacerta laevis laevis May 3rd, 2019 איימן מזעל
Dabb Lizard May 3rd, 2019 טל פולק
Nahal Nimra
Ornate mastigure May 3rd, 2019 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
observation has images 1
Ornate mastigure May 3rd, 2019 זיו נדר
Ornate mastigure May 3rd, 2019 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
observation has images 2
Ornate mastigure May 3rd, 2019 זיו נדר
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Lacerta laevis laevis May 3rd, 2019 נתן אלבז
Har Ha Karmel
Testudo graeca May 3rd, 2019 אחיה טובי
Eumeces schneideri May 2nd, 2019 אריאל קדם
Grey Monitor May 2nd, 2019 אורן פריטל
Nahal Shezaf
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019 צוות מפל הבניאס
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019 רמי יוספי
Nahal Qana
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019 רמי יוספי
Nahal Qana
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019 צוות מפל הבניאס
Salamandra infraimmaculata May 2nd, 2019 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019 ליעד כהן
Horesh Adullam
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019 צליל לבין
Discoglossus nigriventer May 2nd, 2019 יורם מלכה
Testudo graeca May 2nd, 2019 עמרי שרון