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Found 56949 observations.
Species Name Date Observer Type Region
Rana ridibunda ridibunda August 18th, 2018 אוהד מאס
Mauremys caspica rivulata August 18th, 2018 עמיחי גלעדי
Enot Orevim
Dabb Lizard August 18th, 2018 יובל שגיא
Mishore Pharan
Mauremys caspica rivulata August 18th, 2018 עופר שנער
Macroprotodon cucullatus cucullatus August 17th, 2018 Gal Vine
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Agama savignii August 17th, 2018 Gal Vine
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Lytorhynchus diadema August 17th, 2018 Gal Vine
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Cerastes vipera August 17th, 2018 Gal Vine
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Saharan Sand Skink August 17th, 2018 אביעד בר
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Mesalina olivieri schmidti August 17th, 2018 אביעד בר
Mauremys caspica rivulata August 17th, 2018 יונתן סבלסקי
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
Dabb Lizard August 17th, 2018 עודד מלכין
Mazuq Ha-Zinnim
Malpolon insignitus August 16th, 2018 אביעד בר
Rana ridibunda ridibunda August 16th, 2018 Dotan Rotem
En Arubbot
Dabb Lizard August 16th, 2018 דורון ניסים
Stenodactylus doriae August 15th, 2018 בני שלמון
Ervat Evrona
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Nahal Rubin (harhava)
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii August 15th, 2018
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Vipera palaestinae August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Grey Monitor August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
observation has images 1
Grey Monitor August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
observation has images 1
Grey Monitor August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Grey Monitor August 15th, 2018 סיון מרדוק
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Grey Monitor August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Grey Monitor August 15th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Rishon Le-Ziyyon
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus August 14th, 2018 אביעד בר
Dabb Lizard August 14th, 2018 אורן פריטל
Makhteshim En Yahav
Agama sinaita August 14th, 2018 ג'מיל אל אטרש
Laudakia stellio August 14th, 2018 יונתן סבלסקי
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
Hyla savignyi (Hyla arborea) August 13th, 2018 גיל שטרן
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
observation has images 1
Testudo graeca August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus August 13th, 2018 בעז שחם
Malpolon insignitus August 13th, 2018 אביעד בר
Eumeces schneideri August 13th, 2018 יגאל מילר
Har Ha-Karmel
Rana ridibunda ridibunda August 13th, 2018 אריאל קדם
Laudakia stellio August 13th, 2018 סיון מרדוק
Gevaot Merar
Dolichophis jugularis August 12th, 2018 ליעד כהן
Gevaot Zafit
Laudakia stellio August 12th, 2018 סיון מרדוק
Vipera palaestinae August 11th, 2018 קובי סופר
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Holot Palmahim
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Holot Palmahim
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
observation has images 1
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
observation has images 1
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
observation has images 1
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Grey Monitor August 11th, 2018 אסף בן דוד
Dabb Lizard August 11th, 2018 צור נצר
Mazuq Ha-Zinnim (harhava 2)
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard August 11th, 2018 אריה לב רוזנברג
Midbar Yehuda
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard August 11th, 2018 אריה לב רוזנברג
Ein Ofarim
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard August 11th, 2018 אריה לב רוזנברג
Midbar Yehuda
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard August 11th, 2018 אריה לב רוזנברג
Midbar Yehuda
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard August 11th, 2018 אריה לב רוזנברג
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Agama sinaita August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Agama sinaita August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Agama sinaita August 11th, 2018 דורון ניסים
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure August 11th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Dabb Lizard August 11th, 2018 אורן פריטל
Rana ridibunda ridibunda August 11th, 2018
Vipera palaestinae August 10th, 2018 אוהד מאס
Ornate mastigure August 10th, 2018 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Dabb Lizard August 10th, 2018 יוסי שדה
Nehalim Gedolim
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi August 9th, 2018 ברוך תמם
Nahal Rubin (harhava)
Testudo kleinmanni August 9th, 2018 זהבה סיגל
Holot Agur
Grey Monitor August 9th, 2018 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Grey Monitor August 9th, 2018 סיון מרדוק
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)