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Found 56878 observations.
Species Name Date Observer Type Region
Grey Monitor June 30th, 2023 אביעד בר
Ruheive V'Halutza
Dolichophis jugularis June 30th, 2023 None
Eumeces schneideri June 30th, 2023 ענבר שניצר
Eirenis modesta June 30th, 2023 שור ענתבי
Bufo viridis June 29th, 2023 סיון מרדוק
Tarentola annularis June 29th, 2023 מתן בוגומולסקי
En Gedi (harhava 2)
Bufo viridis June 29th, 2023 נדב בן יאיר
Bet Guvrin
Ablepharus kitaibelii kitaibelii June 29th, 2023 אוהד מאס
Dabb Lizard June 29th, 2023 אביעד בר
observation has images 2
Trionyx triunguis June 29th, 2023 עומר בן חיים Absence
Coluber rhodorachis June 29th, 2023 None
En Gedi
observation has images 7
Trionyx triunguis June 29th, 2023 עומר בן חיים Absence
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 29th, 2023 אליאב מסלטי
Park Hales
observation has images 1
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 29th, 2023 סיון מרדוק
Agama sinaita June 29th, 2023 חנן אליעזר גולדברג
En Gedi
Dolichophis jugularis June 29th, 2023 עומר בן חיים
observation has images 1
Dolichophis jugularis June 28th, 2023 אירינה דובינסקי
Mabuya vittata June 28th, 2023 סיון מרדוק
Dolichophis jugularis June 28th, 2023 עמית מנדלסון
HaYarkon (harhava)
observation has images 1
Ablepharus kitaibelii kitaibelii June 28th, 2023 אירינה דובינסקי
Agama sinaita June 28th, 2023 דורון ניסים
Agama sinaita June 28th, 2023
Dolichophis jugularis June 28th, 2023 גיא זהרוני
Har Meron
Laudakia stellio June 28th, 2023 סיון מרדוק
Hare Yehuda
Trionyx triunguis June 28th, 2023 יניב לוי
Nahal Alexander
Chalcides ocellatus June 28th, 2023 ערן גיסיס
Ervat Evrona
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi June 27th, 2023 יורם פרומקין
SAND SKINK June 27th, 2023 יורם פרומקין
SAND SKINK June 27th, 2023 יורם פרומקין
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus June 27th, 2023 יורם פרומקין
Dolichophis jugularis June 27th, 2023
Ornate mastigure June 27th, 2023 ערן גיסיס
Massiv Elat
observation has images 1
Dabb Lizard June 27th, 2023 יובל שגיא
Laudakia stellio June 27th, 2023 סיון מרדוק
Holot Yavne
Chamaeleo chamaeleon June 26th, 2023 אבישי בראון
Har Ha Karmel
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi June 26th, 2023 יובל הרמתי
Cerastes cerastes cerastes June 26th, 2023 יובל הרמתי
Dolichophis jugularis June 26th, 2023 אבישי בראון
Har Ha Karmel
observation has images 1
Agama sinaita June 26th, 2023 שי רוזנצוויג
Midbar Yehuda
Eryx jaculus June 25th, 2023
observation has images 1
Trionyx triunguis June 25th, 2023 עמית פרנקו
Hayarkon (Petah-Tiqwa)
observation has images 2
Agama sinaita June 25th, 2023 נגה גפן פלקון
En Gedi
observation has images 2
Dabb Lizard June 25th, 2023 שי רוזנצוויג
Nahal Ze'elim
Natrix tessellata tessellata June 25th, 2023 None
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 25th, 2023 בהגת כחיל
Echis coloratus June 24th, 2023 מתן בוגומולסקי
En Gedi
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi June 24th, 2023
observation has images 1
Chamaeleo chamaeleon June 24th, 2023 רן פרץ
Nahal Mearot
Agama savignii June 24th, 2023 עמירם כהן
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
observation has images 1
Agama sinaita June 24th, 2023 ינון שחף
En Gedi
Rana ridibunda ridibunda June 23rd, 2023 אוהד מאס
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 23rd, 2023 אוהד מאס
Mauremys caspica rivulata June 23rd, 2023 אוהד מאס
Malpolon insignitus June 23rd, 2023
Eumeces schneideri June 23rd, 2023 None
Makhtesh Be'eri (harhava)
Tarentola annularis June 22nd, 2023 None
En Gedi
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Tarentola annularis June 22nd, 2023 None
En Gedi
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus June 22nd, 2023 None
En Gedi
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus June 22nd, 2023 None
En Gedi
Tarentola annularis June 22nd, 2023 None
Grey Monitor June 22nd, 2023 אביעד בר
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Chalcides ocellatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Echis coloratus June 22nd, 2023 None
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus June 22nd, 2023 None
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Mazuq Ha-He'teqim
Ptyodactylus guttatus June 22nd, 2023 None
Mazuq Ha-He'teqim
observation has images 2
Acanthodactylus schreiberi syriacus June 22nd, 2023 Shay Acrich
Nahal Alexander
Agama pallida pallida June 22nd, 2023 אביעד בר
Grey Monitor June 22nd, 2023 אביעד בר
Ruheive V'Halutza
Testudo graeca June 22nd, 2023 עמית פרנקו
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
Dabb Lizard June 22nd, 2023 יובל שגיא
Laudakia stellio June 22nd, 2023 בן לוי
Eumeces schneideri June 22nd, 2023 אבישי בראון
Chai-Bar Carmel
Agama sinaita June 22nd, 2023
Midbar Yehuda
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Mesalina guttulata guttulata June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Coluber rubriceps June 22nd, 2023 אבישי בראון
Har Ha-Karmel
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
observation has images 2
Agama sinaita June 22nd, 2023 נגה גפן פלקון
En Gedi
Acanthodactylus beershebensis June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus June 22nd, 2023 בעז שחם
Nahal Revaha