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Found 56887 observations.
Species Name Date Observer Type Region
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
SAND SKINK September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus September 19th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
Laudakia stellio September 18th, 2022 דניאל חכם
Har Ha-Karmel
Eryx jaculus September 18th, 2022 אור מילשטיין
Brechat Bareket
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 17th, 2022 בעז שחם
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 17th, 2022 בעז שחם
Coluber rhodorachis September 17th, 2022 מתן בוגומולסקי
En Gedi (harhava 2)
Ornate mastigure September 17th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
observation has images 1
Ornate mastigure September 17th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
observation has images 1
Ornate mastigure September 17th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 17th, 2022 יונתן סבלסקי
Hayarkon (Afek-Rosh Ha'ayin)
Ornate mastigure September 17th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Agama sinaita September 17th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Agama sinaita September 17th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat
Acanthodactylus beershebensis September 17th, 2022 None
Ornate mastigure September 17th, 2022 אסף הברי
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ptyodactylus hasselquistii September 17th, 2022 ניהול ציד (אפליקציה)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 16th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Nizzanim (harhava)
SAND SKINK September 16th, 2022 בעז שחם
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi September 16th, 2022 סיון מרדוק
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 16th, 2022 בעז שחם
Acanthodactylus scutellatus September 16th, 2022 בעז שחם
Echis coloratus September 15th, 2022 מתן בוגומולסקי
Echis coloratus September 15th, 2022 מתן בוגומולסקי
En Gedi
Agama pallida pallida September 15th, 2022
observation has images 1
Rana ridibunda ridibunda September 15th, 2022 נדב גנות
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 14th, 2022 בעז שחם
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 14th, 2022 בעז שחם
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 14th, 2022 יובל הרמתי
Holot Agur Zafon
Cerastes vipera September 14th, 2022 יובל הרמתי
Holot Agur Zafon
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 14th, 2022 בעז שחם
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus September 14th, 2022 בעז שחם
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi September 14th, 2022 איתי נוה
Mazuq Ha-Zinnim
observation has images 1
Echis coloratus September 13th, 2022 אריה לב רוזנברג
Lacerta trilineata israelica September 13th, 2022 None
Echis coloratus September 13th, 2022 ניהול ציד (אפליקציה)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 12th, 2022 אבישי בראון
Har Ha Karmel
Dolichophis jugularis September 10th, 2022
Bufo viridis September 9th, 2022 None
Tarentola annularis September 8th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Ptyodactylus hasselquistii September 8th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Tarentola annularis September 8th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Walterinnesia aegyptia September 8th, 2022
Park Hales
Cerastes gasperetti September 8th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Mabuya vittata September 8th, 2022 בעז שחם
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus September 8th, 2022 בעז שחם
Cerastes gasperetti September 8th, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 8th, 2022 בעז שחם
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 8th, 2022 בעז שחם
Hemorrhois nummifer September 7th, 2022 ניהול צייד (אפליקציה)
Eirenis coronella September 6th, 2022 Asaf Mayrose
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 5th, 2022 בעז שחם
Bufo viridis September 4th, 2022 Tal Levanony
Stenodactylus petrii September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus sthenodactylus September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
SAND SKINK September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Stenodactylus petrii September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Cerastes cerastes cerastes September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Cerastes vipera September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Stenodactylus petrii September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
SAND SKINK September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
SAND SKINK September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
SAND SKINK September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Stenodactylus petrii September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus September 3rd, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Shunra, Nahal Lavan and Kelah Sinai
Chamaeleo chamaeleon September 3rd, 2022 יובל הרמתי
Ornate mastigure September 3rd, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure September 3rd, 2022 ערן גיסיס
Massiv Elat
Lytorhynchus diadema September 2nd, 2022 יתיר שמיר
Ornate mastigure September 2nd, 2022 אולגה ריבק
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Testudo graeca September 1st, 2022 None
observation has images 2
Cerastes cerastes cerastes August 31st, 2022 דניאל שמר
Vipera palaestinae August 31st, 2022 דניאל די-צ'זרה
Migdal Afeq
observation has images 1
Agama sinaita August 31st, 2022 שי רוזנצוויג
Midbar Yehuda
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii August 31st, 2022
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat (harhava 1)
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat
Ornate mastigure August 31st, 2022 בני שלמון
Massiv Elat
observation has images 1
Laudakia stellio August 31st, 2022 אדווה פרץ
Nahal Mearot
SAND SKINK August 31st, 2022 עמי לזר
Chamaeleo chamaeleon August 30th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Ashdod
Chamaeleo chamaeleon August 30th, 2022 בעז שחם
Holot Ashdod
observation has images 2
Trionyx triunguis August 30th, 2022 עמית פרנקו
Chamaeleo chamaeleon August 30th, 2022 נדב בן יאיר
Bet Guvrin
Salamandra infraimmaculata August 30th, 2022 עמית מנדלסון
observation has images 1
Agama sinaita August 30th, 2022 שי רוזנצוויג
Menifot Tze'elim-Haver
Acanthodactylus beershebensis August 30th, 2022 בעז שחם